Learning to feed the content monster

Social media is a great tool and I’ve been using it ever since my mom let me get facebook when I was maybe 12 years old. Which now that I think about it is too young to be on the internet with a public profile. My facebook still has embarrassing photos of me from 7th grade I swear. In my social media principles class, we are reading a book by Guy Kawasaki called, The Art of Social Media. I’ve only read the first three chapters so far, but each page is beyond insightful. One of my favorite sections is about “feeding the content monster” which is exactly what blogging is like. Finding content, creating said content, and making it interesting enough that those viewing it don’t click away. That may seem easy but it really isn’t.

The most useful tip in chapter two for me is the idea of creating an editorial calendar. This is essentially a map of what content to post when, where, why, and to whom. Kawasaki himself is not a huge fan of mapping content out in an editorial calendar but his partner Peg Fitzpatrick is. Different types of planning work for different types of people. Kawasaki says he is a “spray and pray” post while Fitzpatrick is very organized. Knowing this about social media moguls themselves helps me realize I need to figure out what works best for me when it comes to creating the content for my blogs. The Art of Social Media gives advice on what platforms to use that can help keep organized such as Excel or Google Drive. Both are applications I use on a regular basis which will help keep me on track.

I’m excited to see what insight this book can offer me throughout the semester and hope to learn how to upgrade my facebook from middle school to adult.


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