Fly the W

Last Thursday, Feb. 21, I was able to attend the PRSSA club meeting where a speaker comes each week and talks about their experiences in the public relations field. Kevin Saghy was the speaker and he talked about his journey to make the Chicago Cubs the greatest social media in baseball history. Saghy was even able to bring his World Series ring with him, the highlight of my night.

Saghy has a really interesting story following his eight years at the Cubs and what he did to create a brand for the company and how he is attempting to use the same formula for Ohio State Universities social media. If you are looking to read more on Saghy’s talk with PRSSA check out my live twitter stream, @karlyn_kirchens. I used the #SMspring19 to make it easier for you all to find it.
Go Cubbies and Fly the W everyone.


  1. I went the meeting as well and I can say that Saghy gave a really good presentation and I learned a lot from it.


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