Social media workshop 2019

Ohio Northern Universities PRSSA put on their fourth annual Social Media Workshop Friday, March 22. This is an all day event that focuses on bringing in professionals to speak to the community about multiple different topics pertinent to the rest of 2019.  PRSSA students with the help of their advisor work to put on this event each year. This years workshop was one of the most successful so far with 94 professionals attending.

My favorite speaker of the day was a professor from Ohio State University, Daniel Farkas. Before he got up to give his presentation everyone was a little tired and really hungry. Not a very top notch crowd. Looking at the guy you would have thought he was a little nerdy and would have been monotone and drab. Farkas came out swinging waking every single person up. He had a very intense presentation that was shocking and true.

Farkas gave seven tips of how to make multimedia social successful. The best tip was don’t fight science, science always wins. This is very true and it is not always taught in social media. As students we don’t always learn the importance of making the video pleasing to every person’s eyes. It is a scientific fact that the eyes work a specific way and if video doesn’t do that it’ll shock the brain.

Shocking someone’s brain and eyes during a video can make them lose interest quickly. Social media videos are supposed to be short, simple and pleasing to view. Focusing on how you can keep the short attention span of your audience is important.

There was a total of 11 speakers at this event and every single one of them had so much information to give to all of us. Each year I go the more I learn about the current social media world. It is always changing and everyone will always need to learn why it is changing. I cannot wait until next years social media workshop.


  1. The social media conference was so much fun, and super insightful! It is always great to get tips and ideas from successful people in the field!

  2. This was the first year I attended the workshop. If I were still at ONU next year, I would definitely attend again. Every speaker gave so many helpful insights to the "real" social media world.


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