Game of Thrones

In the last few years Game of Thrones has blown up. People everywhere are obsessing about the show and what is going to happen next. The creators of this show are genius in how they advertise and stretch out the show. I personally have no watched any of the show because it is on HBO and I can’t afford that but I’ve heard it is amazing.

Episodes come out on a weekly basis instead of dropping the whole season at once. This gets people very excited because they have to sit on cliff-hangers and wait a week for what happens next. The producers also wait for a little over a year to actually release the new episodes. This gets people talking about it and getting more excited when trailers come out and things like that. They chose to release the very first trailer for the final season during the 2019 Super Bowl commercials. Millions of people were watching and suddenly very interested in what is going to happen. Game of Thrones also had their own commercials grouped with Bud Light and the popular Bud Knight.

Being someone who hasn’t seen the show it seems very interesting. I want to see what is happening next and I want to start it from the beginning. The concept of the show is intriguing and it is surprising that the show blew up more than the books. Game of Thrones started out as a book series before the show was even an idea. The books are incredibly dense and have tons of information in them.

The books have been reported as better than the show but they are so hard to read a large majority of people can’t get through them all of the way. This propelled the show into being much bigger than its predecessor the Game of Thrones books. HBO wanted to finish up the series on season 8 but the books were not caught up to the show yet. They were able to hire the writer of the books and get him to write the script the way the final books end. The writer is a much older man and people are worried he will pass away before the final books are released.


  1. I absolutely love the Game of Thrones series and would highly recommend it to anyone that is even slightly interested in it. I also have heard that the books are better than the show but have never had a chance to read the books. After the series concludes my next step may be to start looking into the books and reading those.

  2. My brothers and I love Game of Thrones. I got into it because of them and I'm glad I did. The show is full of incredible characters and the story line is really good. Another big thing that people love (and hate) about the series is that no one is safe. You're always worried about the character you've grown attached to because the show will kill off anyone and everyone. If you haven't watched it, you definitely should as soon as you get the chance.

  3. I haven't watched anything related to Game of Thrones and probably couldn't really tell you any character from it. I have thought about it many times but I am yet to jump on the bandwagon. Maybe I should just go ahead and watch it?


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