Getting involved on campus

“What clubs or organizations are you involved in?”

That statement is actually the worst question to get asked right behind, “So, What are you doing after graduation?” This is asked by parents, friends, strangers, future employers… you never know. Having nothing to respond with and just babbling nonsense of how you are really busy with classes or you don’t really know because you are in a broad field is the wrong thing to say. I know this through a lot of experience from interviews to extended-family vacations, I’m here to give everyone tips of how to get more involved on ONU’s campus.

Go to activity fairs

Each semester the University holds activity fairs full of clubs and organizations looking to let everyone in. Most clubs and orgs. Will have sign up sheets that just require and email address so they can send you more information. Easy-peasy.

When all the clubs and orgs. You were interested in email you about meetings or events it will give you a chance to show up once or twice to see if you actually enjoy it.

Show up

Being involved is half the battle of joining a club or org, you actually have to show up to events, meetings and even fundraising activities. Most people like to join and then never show up, but is that really being involved? Once you start making it a point to come to all meetings and events it will become fun and you will form long lasting friendships.

Join something fun

Don’t join something that you have zero interest in. If you hate it there is no motivation to show up but if it is something you are super interested in you will be excited for anything you can do for them.

ONU has so many clubs and orgs to fit everyone’s needs and wants. If there is absolutely nothing we already have that sounds fun, get 8 friends together and you can start a brand new club or org on campus.

Don’t become overwhelmed

While also joining all the different clubs and orgs on campus, know that it’s okay to back away and give time to relax. Being under-involved and over-involved are two very real things. If you are doing too many things at once on top of school, social life and mental health you can quickly become overwhelmed and unable to give 100% to what you need to.

Make sure when committing certain meetings don’t overlap or crowd important days in your schedule. You can always come back to certain clubs or orgs when you find you have time.

I hope once you have joined something new, you find the excitement and fun it can bring to your college experience. Happy club hunting.


  1. I absolutely regret not joining anything now that I am about to graduate. The first thing an employer asks in an interview is usually "What organizations are you involved with?" I almost never have an answer other than "I work too much to do anything."


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