I took the Enneagram test

Sometimes getting stuck in a rut happens in college. We are all mentally growing and changing in a way that doesn’t make much sense. This change can throw students into a spiral of trying to find their inner-selves. I’ve always struggled with trying to decide what will motivate me in life. Also, I wanted to know what can possibly drag me down or kill the energy I have already built up. So I decided to change that feeling I wanted to take a personality quiz to help me dig deeper into how I think. There are so many personality quizzes out there that will tell you an abundance of things about yourself. Are these tests actually incredibly accurate? Debatable. Will they put you into a mindset to think deeper about yourself? Yes! Among the thousands of options, I decided on the Enneagram test.

The Enneagram test is a model of the human mind that is understood as a typology of 9 interconnected personality traits. The test can be used to help aid self-awareness, self-understanding and self-development. The 9 traits all have a different core desire and core fear that are used to push a person to certain decisions they make. It is all based off of answers that you give through a scale of least likely to most likely. Once you get through all of those questions you choose between two answers for a question. This decision chooses what your main type is out of the nine. From all nine types I was a Type two which is The Supportive Advisor.

So what is a supportive advisor?

The supportive advisor is someone who really lives their lives through the relationships they’ve built. Type two personalities are very connected with the people around them and define themselves based off of the service they do for others. This can be a good and bad thing for these types of people. A type two’s core weakness is being rejected and unwanted by others. This is really true for myself, for as long as I could remember I have wanted approval and acceptance for others. This makes it really hard to stand up for yourself sometimes because you want to be the perfect person for others. The core desire of type two’s is being loved and wanted, which is really a good combination with the weakness. This desire creates the weakness and that can be destructive.

Knowing information about the way you function in life is important. It can help you tackle the difficult experiences in a smarter way. Of all the personality quizzes out there, the Enneagram test helps in a way that it doesn’t make you feel small in situations. The Meyer Briggs quiz will tell you if you are extroverted or if you work well in social settings etc. That type of testing can be separating in situations because it gives a mindset that you can never be anything else. The Enneagram test doesn’t separate you, it shows you how you are a mix of every single type through percentages. 

The Enneagram test shows that everyone is a mix of every personality, we just are prominent in a specific one. Taking this test will help lead you on a path that shows core desires and core weaknesses and how to continually build off of those to be a better person.

In the end I think everyone should try and take this test, if not to help turn their life around then just for fun.


  1. These tests are so interesting to look at, I took this test last year for one of my classes as an assignment and I also got type 2. It's crazy how accurate these test can be.

  2. I haven't tried this one before, but I'm glad you decided to take it. Tests like this can help people understand themselves and their motivations."


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