15 things a college student thinks about before finals.

All college student’s go through the same process and the end of each semester. From grades to what they are eating for dinner all students are panicking as the cloud of final exams hovers over them. This is a list of 15 things that go through a students mind at the end of the semester.

  1. “Wait… is it really week eight already?”
  2. “Do you think if I turned in that assignment from week three I’d get credit?”
  3. Taking a 20 minute nap is higher on the to-do list than the final paper
  4. “I can watch one more episode before I study.”
  5. “How many weeks or just ramen noodles for dinner is too many?”
  6. “Okay I finished the first 100 words of my 10 page paper, I can scroll through social media for at least an hour.”
  7. “I’ve been watching Facebook videos for how long?”
  8. Creates a to-do list to be ahead for the week, but still doesn’t complete the tasks on time.
  9. “Maybe if I ask nicely I can get an extension on this assignment.”
  10. “Oh yeah I study for at least eight hours for this exam. I aced it”
  11. In reality, Netflix was playing on the TV and a laptop was open to the study guide in the distance.
  12. “I didn’t need to read the book because I watched the documentary on Hulu.”
  13. “Would my mom be that mad if I had to take an extra year?”
  14. “I should have already scheduled classes for next semester? What if I’m not ready for that commitment yet.”
  15. “I cannot wait to have an entire month off.”


  1. I can safely say that I connected to a few of these way more than I really want to admit. 2,3, and 11 all have crossed my mind within the past 24 hours.

  2. This is too relatable and I could really use number 9 right now


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