
Showing posts from April, 2019

Social Media Principles

Coming into this class 15 weeks ago I was bright eyed and bushy tailed. I thought I knew everything I needed to know about social media and how it works. Boy, was I wrong. This class taught me a million different things that go into social media and how it worked. One of the first things I learned is how hard it is to stay consistent with writing three times a week. At first it seems like a simple task but it requires great time management and a lot of focus. Hopefully this class has made me grow in my blog writing skills and i can continue writing after this semester is over. Who knows maybe one day I’ll be paid for blogging. Another thing I learned from this class is that you can’t run from math. You may think you can get away from it but it is everywhere. Social media analytics is all about math and numbers. So if you were running to social media to get away from math then think again. One of my favorite things learned was that there can’t be any social media “gurus”. They do...

Avengers: Endgame

Marvel Cinematic Universe released its biggest movie to date this past week, Avengers: Endgame. This movie has been the talk of Twitter and basically all social media for months. MCU came out with multiple different PSA’s requesting no shared any spoilers once the film came out. MCU has been working 10 plus years weaving multiple different storylines together to create the complete ending to the universe. With all that hard work it is understandable that they didn’t want anything ruined for the viewers. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most creative movie franchises of the current generation. They have found a way to create a brand that is like its own world. The creators managed to follow the actual comic books so well and end the movie franchise the way it should be. The actual Endgame movie came out April 25th and it was available at the Ada Theater and that was a crazy experience for all of Ada. The movie theater had more guests than it has in a few years and with...

Preparing for finals week

We’ve reached that time of year, it is finals week. Finals week is a jam-packed week of exams, projects, papers and more. For all college students it is a week fueled by coffee and sleep deprivation. We have all been there and it can be so bad for everyone’s mental and physical health. Everyone expects finals week to be a stressed filled panicked week where no one sleeps. It has become campus culture to freak out and make it known that you are freaking out. I’m here to tell you there is a different way that will result in more sleep and less money spent at the library coffee shop. Here are my top three tips to get prepared early for finals week. Make a list Finals week is full of so many different reports and exams it is hard to keep track. Before dead week make a list for every day of dead week and what to do. Assign “due dates” for things that need to be completed like papers and projects or set out a certain time to study for exams. Breaking everything up throughout a week...

Social media strategies review

Social Media Strategies was such a great book. It came with a large amount of information and at first glance it looked so intimidating. I was not sure what I had gotten into. In hopes of my mental sanity and my grade in this course I would find it to be an easy read. I found it to be much easier to read than I expected. The chapters were quite long and sometimes did drone on. I found it very important to read the information because of all the great tips it held. As a class we only got through the first 10 Chapters because of time restrictions. I would’ve liked to completed the book and learned more about social media analysis. One of the best parts about the book was the beginning of each chapter. Before diving into the information and treating it like an actual textbook, there was a testimonial from a professional. I really enjoyed reading those because they gave a glimpse into the lives of true social media professionals. You don’t meet very many people on the street with a soc...

The PR switch

Ohio Northern University has made a crucial decision when it comes to future students looking at majors. They have officially announced that they will be moving the Public Relations major into the business college. Usually the public relations students are held in the Freed building on campus and earn a Bachelor of Arts. This has students taking additional fine arts credits. Now moving public relations students into the business college will require them to take more business classes such as marketing, management and career planning courses. With it being a new move there is a lot of uncertainty for the students and staff. This move is very strategic for the university because of how many students it can bring in. Public relations is such an impressive degree and is very lucrative in the current workforce. Mixing it into a business college will help bring in unsure business students looking for something they would enjoy. Even just having a background like social media could help m...

Ace that exam

Exam days are the scariest thing for all college students. These long-winded tests pop-up, what seems like, out of nowhere just to scare you into focusing more in class. The scariest is the very first exam for a new class. “Why not final exams?” most people will ask. Finals aren’t actually scary because you have practiced that teachers method of testing and can be prepared. The very first exam is like falling over a ledge and hoping a net will catch you. Don’t be too afraid though, there are ways to be ready for this unknown. I am here to give you four tips to help you ace that exam. Take detailed notes Starting from day one of class focus on the lectures the professor gives. Keeping track of important topics and even the most prevalent topics during this section of the class will give you something to look back on when studying. Use colored pens, detailed charts and some highlighters to make the very important details stand out clearly. If writing/typing isn’t a strong su...

Game of Thrones

In the last few years Game of Thrones has blown up. People everywhere are obsessing about the show and what is going to happen next. The creators of this show are genius in how they advertise and stretch out the show. I personally have no watched any of the show because it is on HBO and I can’t afford that but I’ve heard it is amazing. Episodes come out on a weekly basis instead of dropping the whole season at once. This gets people very excited because they have to sit on cliff-hangers and wait a week for what happens next. The producers also wait for a little over a year to actually release the new episodes. This gets people talking about it and getting more excited when trailers come out and things like that. They chose to release the very first trailer for the final season during the 2019 Super Bowl commercials. Millions of people were watching and suddenly very interested in what is going to happen. Game of Thrones also had their own commercials grouped with Bud Light and the ...

Budgeting for college students

Starting out the year for college students is a magical time full of bank account filled all the way to the top. After spending the fall semester breaking into the fund that a summer job brought and working through the winter break to build up a small amount of what you lost, something important comes to mind… Budgeting. Creating a budget is something no one ever really wants to be able to do but for people with such limited funds like college students its super important to decide what to spend money on and how much is allowed. As intimidating as a budget can be, here are a few beginner tips to helps start budgeting in unique ways. Put money in “Jars” If you aren’t a fan of the spreadsheet budgeting or the more generic ways of saving money, try this fun way. Have separate jars for services or products you need to spend money on. For example a jar for food, necessities, fun and bills. Put cash into the jars that are your allowed amount for the month. Like $200 for food,...

Chapter 10: Measurement and Evaluation

Our book has talked about a lot of interesting and exciting things throughout its chapters. Unfortunately in Chapter 10 we talk about math and numbers. Most public relations, communications or social media majors choose this path because of its lack of numbers and its lack of math. Math is something that is important to social media because it is needed for measurement and evaluation of the success of specific social media content. The book explains that measurement and evaluation go hand in hand for many different campaigns. Measurement focuses on specific amounts and reflecting change while evaluation focuses on the assessment of these values. Why do these need to happen? Why is it important to follow up with an evaluation? Well, this is all so important because it ties directly to social media practices. There is a measurement framework that helps companies format their evaluation to hit all the important variables. This framework focuses on objectives, inputs, activities, outpu...

Getting involved on campus

“What clubs or organizations are you involved in?” That statement is actually the worst question to get asked right behind, “So, What are you doing after graduation?” This is asked by parents, friends, strangers, future employers… you never know. Having nothing to respond with and just babbling nonsense of how you are really busy with classes or you don’t really know because you are in a broad field is the wrong thing to say. I know this through a lot of experience from interviews to extended-family vacations, I’m here to give everyone tips of how to get more involved on ONU’s campus. Go to activity fairs Each semester the University holds activity fairs full of clubs and organizations looking to let everyone in. Most clubs and orgs. Will have sign up sheets that just require and email address so they can send you more information. Easy-peasy. When all the clubs and orgs. You were interested in email you about meetings or events it will give you a chance to show up once ...

Ohio Beef Council infographic

This week I was given the chance to create an infographic for a company that came and spoke for the social media workshop. I chose to make one focusing on the Ohio Beef Council. This was searching for new ways to find influencers that can support and promote their brand. They have many interesting and fun ways they keep influencers interested and wanting to stay with the Ohio Beef Council. That is what I chose to showcase in my infographic. Making an infographic was a great experience. Finding ways to incorporate the company’s brand colors while making the image pleasing to the eye is fun. I learned that images really do make the infographic special because without certain images my infographic would have been boring. Being a PR major knowing how to create infographics is important because it is a great way to connect the client to the consumers. I hope I get the chance to make more infographics throughout my college education. I want to get more practice so I can perfect ...