
Showing posts from March, 2019

The six Cs

Chapter 7 is one of the most important chapters in this book. Building up on brand and company image you have to know how to write for social media. This kind of writing can be different from some other forms of professional writing which can be intimidating at first. There are six Cs of effective writing for social media. Content Community Culture Conversation Creativity Connection These may seem easy at first glance, but it is something that needs to be learned when it comes to social media. My favorite one of the Cs is one of the most important which is Content. Content is essential when it comes to social media writing. The content in your social media posts is what will get the attention that is important to building up a following. Without content no one will be drawn to the information you are trying to share. Great writing style is so important to having impressive social media. You have to follow the brand and voice your company has already establish...

Social media workshop 2019

Ohio Northern Universities PRSSA put on their fourth annual Social Media Workshop Friday, March 22. This is an all day event that focuses on bringing in professionals to speak to the community about multiple different topics pertinent to the rest of 2019.  PRSSA students with the help of their advisor work to put on this event each year. This years workshop was one of the most successful so far with 94 professionals attending. My favorite speaker of the day was a professor from Ohio State University, Daniel Farkas. Before he got up to give his presentation everyone was a little tired and really hungry. Not a very top notch crowd. Looking at the guy you would have thought he was a little nerdy and would have been monotone and drab. Farkas came out swinging waking every single person up. He had a very intense presentation that was shocking and true. Farkas gave seven tips of how to make multimedia social successful. The best tip was don’t fight science, science always wins. Th...

Get up and get active

Growing up staying active and exercising was ingrained in who I was. I was always on some form of a team being pushed to be the best I could be. When I first came to college, I thought it would be easy to keep working at the same level. I was very wrong. In high school your day-to-day life is scheduled out so perfectly. There are no distractions because your parents are in charge of you and for the first two years you can’t even drive. College is the exact opposite. You are entirely in charge of yourself and you create the schedule. You want to leave your 11 a.m. class and sleep until 3 in the afternoon? You can do that because nothing is stopping you. Finding the motivation is hard, but if you figure out easy ways you can succeed you will. I am here to share my top three tips on staying active in college. Join an intramural team This is my favorite tip because I love my intramural team. I play intramural volleyball with my sorority and we have a blast. We play between two or thr...

Strategic Plans

Strategic plans are important in social media. Strategic plans are a systematic, thorough and aligned document that outlines from start to finish what a brand, individual or organization wants to accomplish to address a problem, take advantage of an opportunity or explore potential new possibilities through experimentation. Most strategic plans start with research of everything possible. I want to describe some of the key components of a strategic plan. Background information This is where all the research comes in. Before creating your own social media plan you have to have all the background information of your company. You need to know what your organization is, what it needs to become and what issues have you had before. Finding the “so what” factor of your organization comes from background information. 2. Brand voice Finding an overall tone and voice for your organization is a big step. Knowing who you want to be to your audience is an important step. Sometime...

College scandals

Scandals on social media calm down and quickly as they break. Recently news has come out that 50 different celebrities have paid off big name colleges to let their children into the University. This is such a big deal because of the line it makes in social status because they have money. These celebrities used their wealth and status to take less fortunate kids spots at those universities. The biggest name that came out of this was Lori Loughlin, who played Aunt Becky in Full House, and her daughter Olivia Jade. What made this worse for Loughlin was the fact that Olivia Jade is very active on social media. Jade has a vlog channel on Youtube where she admits to not caring about college. Jade explained that she only wanted to go for the experience and the parties. This was not a big deal until this scandal surfaced and it revealed how she got into USC. On top of Loughlin getting ripped apart on social media, Jade decided to announce that she was dropping out of USC days after the sca...

Greek week is coming

Greek week is one of the biggest greek holidays on Ohio Northern’s campus. It is a full week of competitive events between all the chapters in the greek community. To name a few of the events, we have mud tug, Greek Olympics, trivia and my favorite greek sing. Greek sing is an event that requires singing and a choreographed dance throughout the song. Each chapter has to focus their songs and dances off of a specific theme. This year’s theme is decades and Alpha Xi Delta is the 1770’s. Each chapter has to participate and create some story to go along with their dance. Last year the theme was Disney movies, so there was already a story to follow. I am just as excited to see what chapters do with the decade theme and I am to be participating in the event. I want to share what our story is but you will all have to come to watch. One of the best parts about greek sing is the songs. Nobody is allowed to use regular soundtracks. Each chapter must write their own song lyrics that include a...

Post-Spring break

All college students are reaching the point in the year where they start to lose motivation. The week after spring break is a tough time for students because we all spend a week relaxed and calm. We lose the motivation to study hard for tests, write papers in advance or even making it to meetings on time. Even though students have lost motivation the year continues to move on and grades continue to be added to the books. I have always been one of the students who lose their will to write papers half-way through the semester. That is why I have so many tips to keep you motivated throughout the last half of the semester. I want to share my top three tips with all of you. 1. Make a to-do list Every day I make a to-do list that states what I need to get done to feel accomplished by the end of the day. I only make my list seven items long because it is just the right amount of essential tasks to finish before the end of your day. If you have a hard time doing just the basic day-to-day ...

Research is important!

Research in social media is incredibly important. Without research businesses wouldn’t know how people are responding to their content or how they can grow and be better. Most people do not understand why we need social media research. It is not always seen as beneficial but it truly is beneficial to guiding practices. Every type of company has a different idea of research. Big fortune 500 companies have constant watch and control on their socials, while smaller companies might just have little google alerts each time. It does not matter how you research as long as you do it. Watching competitors is also a large part. If you aren’t watching what your competitors are doing you may miss something big that could put your company at the top. Does your competitor only have automated responses? Then you should have personalized messages to the viewers of your channels to help form a relationship. Little things like this will help put your company ahead of the game. That is why rese...

When will he jump the fence?

I have an earlier blog talking about the Bachelor’s social media and I am going to write another one. ABC is so smart in how they choose to market their audience. All Bachelor fans love the added drama to the season, plus a good tease. This season they tease Colton jumping over a fence and losing his mind. This happened in the very first in January. It is not March and they are just now saying it will be aired on this episode. People have been making joke Twitter accounts constantly tweeting if he’ll jump the fence. People are creating content focused around this 10 second clip in general. It is crazy how such a little thing was marketed so well. The fence fiasco is giving the show so much good publicity. Millions of people who know what the Bachelor actually is are tweeting, creating Facebook memes and event posting stuff on Instagram about the stupid fence. I am not usually one to get sucked into the madness but even I’m excited to see why Colton Underwood jumps the fence! I have...

Stuck at home for spring break

Spring break for college students is always an interesting time of the year. As students, we are as broke as a person can be, yet we still plan crazy expensive trips to Florida each spring break. I am very broke and also have very broke friends so each year I spend spring break in cold, dreary Ohio. Each year I make the most out of my spring breaks and choose to do fun, but inexpensive activities throughout the week. Here are my top 3 favorite things to do when stuck in Ohio. 1.  Axe throwing I know this sounds kind of dangerous. It is such a great experience and it 100% safe. I went to Class Axe in Cincinnati. It was about $32 dollars per person to go and you can have up to 12 people in your lanes. You learn fun little games that give you chances the throw the axes all the time. It gets your adrenaline pumping because you want to win the game for your team. I almost was my lanes ultimate champ, no big deal. You get to choose a fun ‘axe’ name instead of having a real na...